Welcome to the first issue of Philos, the Schott Foundation's quarterly digital journal for those in philanthropy working to shift the sector toward justice and equity. Philos is a resource for change-makers: with each issue we will bring you important and actionable data, analysis and ideas that we hope will inspire and support you and your organization's practice. In this first issue we're proud to give you an exclusive preview of new racial justice funding data, a detailed brief on how funders are rethinking endowments for grantees, and an interview with Schott board member Dr. Alandra Washington, who serves as Vice President for Transformation and Organizational Effectiveness at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Dr. Washington shares how practitioners inside philanthropy can be change agents at organizations large and small. We hope you enjoy Philos and join the conversation. Dr. John H. Jackson President & CEO, Schott Foundation for Public Education |